NatureHub is a platform to help people easily access good, green and socially responsible businesses around them. We are a community of environmentally conscious individuals who aim to create a paradigm shift in the way people think about their lives.

Want to be a part of the Conscious Revolution?

I am a conscious consumer I run a conscious business
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In 2006, at the age of 19, the founder of NatureHub, Justin Lewis lost his father to lung cancer. This event changed his life’s trajectory forever. He saw firsthand how ineffective, and even detrimental modern cancer treatments were, and this sent him on a mission to find naturopathic means to prevent cancer.

He began making hot sauces specially blended with plants with known anti-cancer properties, and educating people at farmers markets about sustainability and the power of natural ingredients. He went on to help start various farmers markets across central Florida and started noticing a trend: conscious consumers and small artisans were not able to find each other easily, which prevented these entrepreneurs from growing and enriching communities.

Justin realised it was time to create a tool to better connect and support the conscious community- so that the good, green, and local folks could stand a fighting chance against the big corporations that have a chokehold on the American society.

Since then, others have joined the team, and we are now very close to releasing a mobile app to the general public, which we expect will have a big positive impact through enabling positive change in our communities. We are completely crowd-funded, and are determined to do this without taking money from big investors who may jeopardise the mission, so any support you give is highly appreciated.

Our goal is threefold:
Educate people about the benefits of sustainable, healthy lifestyle.
Equip them with the necessary tools to lead such a lifestyle and be socially responsible.
Empower us to build a strong, conscious community and spread awareness.
If you would like to be a part of the revolution, just tell us your email address. We`ll send you notifications about the app every now and then. No spam, only positivity!
Are you a socially or environmentally responsible business owner? We'd love to help you help others. Talk to us!
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“ By empowering every person who cares to make positive changes... we can collectively redirect the path of humanity. ”

Justin Lewis (NatureHub Founder)